Sunday, April 29, 2012

3KCBWDAY7 Crafting Balance

I knit more than I crochet.   I learned both when I was a child.  My grandmother taught me to crochet.  I had a book with different crochet stitches in it and I’d try them out.  When asked what I was making, I’d tell her I was just playing.  My mother taught me to knit not long after that.  It was a lot harder and I used to get frustrated with it.  I eventually developed my own rather odd method of knitting.   I need to learn a different method of purling, but I don’t want to (see yesterday’s entry).

My skill level with both is about the same.  I knit more because knit fabric works better for me than crocheted.  Crochet is good for things like tablecloths and 3 dimensional pieces like amigurumi.  It’s not as good for things like sweaters and socks because it tends to be thicker and less stretchy.

1 comment:

Kell said...

I like using crochet for edging knitted projects, but otherwise, my crochet is always wonky. But I'm keeping at it!