Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I need to learn more about photographing yarn.  I can usually get a picture that’s in focus.  The problem is getting a picture that reproduces the color accurately.
When this month’s club shipment from Indigodragonfly arrived yesterday, I thought I had a good idea for an outside-the-box picture.  ::bzzzzt:: Wrong, but thanks for playing.  The colorway is Ruxpinosferatu aka Teddy Vampire.  I hauled out Chocolate Truffle and put him on the front steps with the yarn in one arm and a voodoo doll in the other.  The club shipment came with voodoo doll pins which is where I got the idea to take the voodoo doll off of the fridge.  No, I’m not into refrigerator or any other flavor of voodoo.  It’s a magnet somebody gave me in a swap.

The picture wasn’t quite what I imagined and the yarn color wasn’t even close.  Usually I get accurate colors outside.  Here’s a much better representation of the yarn color:
I'm not going to use such nice yarn for a voodoo teddy bear, which is the club project for this shipment.  Maybe there's some clown barf in my leftovers that would be appropriate.


Suzanne said...

I totally want that yarn! Weird that it looks so different in the first picture...mmmm, anyway, nice post!

Stacy said...

That was funny! Thanks for making me laugh. The yarn is very pretty, by the way. Have you ever tried picmonkey.com to correct the color of your photos? It's free and easy and works really well. I just started using it this week.

Kell said...

Wow that's beautiful yarn. It's also pretty cool you have a voodoo anything to put with the bear. That cracked me up.