Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy Blogoversary to Moi

My name is Paula, and I'm a widget junkie. ::Hi Paula!::
I started this blog a year ago. Part of my motivation was to have a place to go on and on about yarn as much as I wanted to. My other motivation was so I could have a place to put widgets. My Livejournal account will let you post many of them once, but there's no sidebar for long-term storage.

In honor of the occasion, I've added Knitmeter. At the time this is being written, it says I haven't knit much lately. This is a lie. I haven't added any yardage yet.

I stopped by the site of someone who shares this blogoversary and found out something very disturbing. DMC, the French manufacturer of embroidery threads, has declared bankruptcy. If you've ever done cross-stitch, you've undoubtedly familiar with them. If you're cross-stitching a pattern, that pattern will very likely list the colors of threads by their DMC color. This doesn't translate very easily to the knit/crochet world, as specific colors are not needed as they are in cross-stitch. It's kind of like there was one kind of yarn, available everywhere, that the majority of pattern designers used. Poof, one day the yarn's gone.


Teena in Toronto said...

Happy blogoversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Blog-versary.

Following the news, DMC stock has done even worse since you posted. They are trying restructuring and looking for a buyout.

If they had stayed out of their attempt to diversify into sports wear, this might have been avoided. I am afraid that they may well wind up as part of the Coats & Clark Conglomerate.

Paula said...

IMHO, Coats & Clarks embroidery floss is not nearly the same quality as DMC. It would be a Bad Thing if they took over DMC.

Even if I don't cross stitch much these days.