Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More Theoretical Questions

Let's say that you are preparing for a sock mystery knitalong. It's the sort of thing where you want to be ready to start just as soon as you get your hands on the pattern. Wouldn't you expect to have an idea of how many yards the designer and test knitters used to make a specific size? And would you want to know if the best yarn to use would be solid or variegated?

(rant on)
I know the yarn used for the first sock, but not the size of the sample. We've been told we need 100 grams of yarn for each pattern. I sorted through my stash on and found a more than 50 yard difference in 100 grams of sock yarn. If the sample socks are size six and use a 460 yard skein, I'm not going to do well with size ten and a 410 yard skein.

I know that at least the first sock will look best with plain yarn. None of the plain yarn I have is over 425 yards and I'm not going to drop everything to go buy more frakking sock yarn.

A last minute requirement is a working knowledge of famous female authors. I can't believe I'm the only one out of a hundred sock knitters who never needed to know anything about famous female authors, but it appears that I am. I'm not getting my pattern until after the people get it who do have this knowlege. I didn't want my horrible ignorance to be an advantage, but I didn't want it to be a punishment either. I'm not going to let them force me out, though. I intend to finish this event.
(rant off)

I'm digging through my stash for the most yardage. Thank you, Code Monkey, for making it possible to sort my Ravelry stash that way.

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