I told myself I could not start any new projects without completing an unfinished one first. Then Knitty released
Frankensocks. Ooooh, shiny, must knit new pattern! I justified doing it by picking all the yarn out of my sock leftovers box. The ribbing on top is Koigu. The rest of the leg is someone's Sock Wars leftovers that I neglected to send with the socks (sorry, whoever should've gotten it). Most of the foot is Noro. The toe's some self-striping yarn with silver in it. I'm not sure what the yarn is I used for the fake stitching. It's definitely Frankenstein-ish, but not as groovy as the original. Go click on the link and look at them. They are much nicer in only two solid colors. The top ribbing on these is only and inch (1.5" on the original) and the leg has only 3 pattern repeats (4 on the original).
I recommend the pattern because the pattern's different on both socks and there's pattern throughout both socks. Socks seem to go so much faster when it isn't just round after round of knit-knit-knit.
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