Monday, January 12, 2015

Crafty games

A person on a Doctor Who thread in Ravelry is talking about craft games.  There's Nerdopolis, which seems to use a setup like Nerd Wars.  There's on for Star Trek fans called Starfleet Fiber Arts Corps.  It looks like it has some similarities to Nerd Wars but less competitive.  I'm not throwing rocks at Nerd Wars.   The pressure I felt to do as much as I could for my team came from me.  I'd like to play a game where I wouldn't get myself wound up so tight.  This might work.  Anyway, the person in the thread is talking about setting up a Doctor Who game like the Star Trek one.  I think I see a fibery adventure in space and time about to happen.

1 comment:

Gracey is not my name.... said...

We are also doing a Stargate one in The Gate Room...we are revisiting past challenges...there is Nerd Wars 2 game...I joined Team Space Alliance for Nerdopolis, as no one wanted to man a Stargate team....