Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy blogoversary and ...

...happy diamond jubilee to my sibling.  In his honor (he's a retired teacher), we will have a word of the day:  Snowclone.

A number of Ravelry posts I've read use the phrase "all the things".  When asked which of several colors of yarn someone liked, their reply was "all the things".  I finally got curious enough to find the source of this. The origin appears to be a cartoon.  I've seen variations of this around, but never associated it with that phrase. 

The phrase is a snowclone:
...a multi-use, customizable, instantly recognizable, time-worn, quoted or misquoted phrase or sentence...

These examples taken from Know Your Meme should make it easy to spot a snowclone.
  • X is the new Y
  • In ur X, Ying ur Z
  • In Soviet Russia, X Ys You
  • I’m not an X, but I play one on TV
  • X is my middle name
  • If Eskimos have N words for snow, X surely have Y words for Z
  • When I say X, what I really mean is Y

1 comment:

Gracey is not my name.... said...

It's from Hyperbole and a Half...I believe she is writing a book right now...her dog posts are hysterical!
