Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Endless BFL Braid

Originally uploaded by Paula knits
I've been making a feeble attempt to finish up old projects before starting anything new. I started spinning a braid of Bluefaced Leicester wool over a week ago. The braid was very similar to the one in the picture. I traded with someone to get a second braid and now am beginning to wonder why on earth I did it. I think the braid that I'm working on has a magic spell on it. It is getting smaller, but it doesn't show any sign of ending. I've been spinning for hours every day, too.

I finished knitting the Grouchy Couch pieces, but they all need a blast from the steam iron before I put them together. The ironing board is covered with a pinned together quilt, which needs to be quilted and bound. I stopped working on it so I could do the spinning for Tour de Fleece, which is how I started working on the BFL.

I think I'm in an infinite loop.

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