I remembered a little rose window necklace I brought back from Paris.
The new experiment is a hat based on this. I suspect it cannot be done with yarn in my stash. There are many problems worse than this.
Here are my latest indulgences. There’s an extremely long and boring story behind this. The only interesting part was a flattened post office mailing box with a tire track across it. When opening a box like that, do not expect any needles inside to be in the correct number of pieces. I got these yarns with the third try for the needles.
Hedgehog Fibers Skinny Singles in Piggy Bank
Lorna’s Laces in Virginia Islands
Of course I don’t have plans for them. Look, Hedgehog Fibers in multicolored speckles! It does not need to be associated with a project to make me happy. The Lorna’s Laces are like a whole basket of Easter eggs. They both helped protect the needles that traveled successfully from Nevada to Georgia. Yay and thank you Jimmy Beans.