Saturday, September 27, 2014

Happy Blogoversary/Crazy cat lady rant

I've been trying to find out when I started this silly excuse for a blog. I couldn't determine it for sure. My best guess is 2007. It would've been right after I was able to sign up for Ravelry. ::geezer voice:: Those were the good old days. You'd check the queue every day to see when your estimated date to join might be.

I've been cleaning out closets. This has resulted in the discovery of socks. Many, many, many pairs of socks. I never appreciated how obsessed I was with knitting socks until now. I actually have a lifetime supply of hand knit socks. I'm admittedly not a young person, but it's still a ridiculous number of socks.

I think this is why I've managed to complete one sweater start to finish without distraction. I'd have the darn thing washed and blocked except for the Elderly Cat Problem. Misty is 16 years old. Sometimes she chooses somewhere other than her litterbox to perform litterbox-appropriate activities. Most recently, she ruined my purse and soaked my license plate renewal forms. Gross! I can't think of a place where I can put a blocked sweater flat to dry where she couldn't get at it. I don't know what motivates her to behave like this. The purse ruining took some serious effort. I think the sweater will need to be pinned to the foam squares and leaned against a wall.

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