Sunday, July 5, 2020

Fun with masks

Surprise, I got tired of working on the blanket.  The directions are a little tricky until one learns to follow them.  Then there are more ends to weave in than I cared to have to deal with.  I will get back to it at some point.

About the same time that blanket fatigue set in, a robo call came from the county I live in.  It would appear that the COVID 19 numbers are getting worse here. It is recommended that we not go out unless it is absolutely necessary and masks should be worn if we do.  I was already painfully aware that many of the individuals in charge of things cannot distinguish between science and politics.  If even these people are telling us this, things are not good.  I am unlikely to do anything that requires a mask, but better safe than sorry.  I went with a Doctor Who theme.
There are pink Daleks, the Paternoster Gang, and exploding TARDIS.

It will be back to sweaters now.  The yarn I needed to to the sleeves of one sweater should arrive tomorrow.  I will tie one of my masks on and hike up to the mailbox.

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