Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Kits plus one

Yesterday was a good mail day.  I got the latest Knitting Our National Parks yarn from Indie Untangled.
It is called Rialto Beach and is one of my favorite blends (Merino/cashmere/nylon).  The dyer is McMullin Fiber Co.

I happened upon Heritage Spinning and Weaving online somewhere.  I am not sure exactly what led me to them.  I enjoy making fair isle style hats so these kits caught my eye.  I am from Michigan originally so the Great Lakes hat looked like something I would like to make

The kits contain Jamieson’s Shetland wool.  I have used that before and like it.  The hat was designed for this year’s Michigan Fiber Festival.  They had a kit for last year’s festival, so I had to get it also.


Gracey is not my name.... said...

Those hat kids are awesome! I think Knit Wit also has a National Park line....

Paula said...

Yes, she does. I used a bunch of it in a project I finished a couple of months ago.