Friday, June 26, 2020

Fingering weight?

Here are two skeins of yarn that arrived this week.
It isn’t obvious in the picture, but the top skein is larger than the bottom skein.  The top is 425 yards and 100 grams.  The bottom is 415 yards and 100 grams.  They are both fingering.  It is just sort of strange.  They are clearly different thicknesses.

The top one is Splendiferous from The Dyeing Arts.  The colorway is Exterminate.  It is part of a Doctor Who club.  A few other goodies came with it including a Dalek stitch marker.  I got a K-9 marker in a previous shipment.  That marker was sitting in a little dish that holds knitting odds and ends.  One night I turned off the lamp and there was a glow coming from the dish.  The darn stitch marker glows in the dark!  I love things that do that.

The bottom one is from The Wandering Flock and is called Ombre Skies.  I don’t remember what motivated me to get it, but I like it.  It reminds me a bit of Hedgehog Fibres singles.

I did frog the tiger socks, I haven’t started the masks yet, and the new sweater is in time out.  There is no problem with the sweater other than having to knit several inches of stockinette before the colorwork starts.  I am working on the Safe in the City blanket.  It is going to be a bigger project than I anticipated.  Gee, Paula, what gave you the idea that something called a blanket wouldn’t be a big project?  D’oh!

1 comment:

pdxknitterati said...

Fingering weight is such a huge category! I’ve had 100g skeins that have anywhere from 375 to 460 yards. I always take the name with a grain of salt.