Friday, February 11, 2011

Finished Object Friday

FOFriday 021011
Originally uploaded by Paula knits

  • Tea Cosy Swap: the recipient is a Doctor Who fan, so I knit this from a Who-related sock club yarn. She's in the sock club too, so she may recognize it. I was so low on appropriate green yarn for the leaves that I Russian-joined strands of it cut from the yarn. The tea cosy I'm getting in exchange is so cute that her toddler pulled it out of the shipping box and cried when it was taken from her. I'll probably go crazy over it. I'm relieved to hear that the child will be getting one of her own.
  • Nerd Wars: The Bow Tie Cloche is a Valentine's Day gift for Amelia Pond. The bow tie is meant to remind her of her friend the Raggedy Doctor. This earned me 13 points for my team.
  • Wee Tiny Sock Club: This is so much fun. The socks are tiny but they involve interesting techniques. This one is a Wee Tiny Steeked sock. I actually made a steek to create the button bands. I was doing this in the middle of the night and missed the instructions for wee tiny buttonholes, so the buttons are sewed into place. D'oh!

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