Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tossing Daleks in the frog pond

Originally uploaded by Paula knits

I decided to give the Dalek socks a try. The third attempt is in the middle of the picture.

There were two rules: I could not buy any yarn to make the socks. It all had to come from my stash. The problem with this rule was that I had to use both light fingering and fingering weight yarns to get the colors I needed. The weights are similar, but different enough to cause trouble two different weights showed up in the same row.

That brings us to rule 2: the object of the exercise was intarsia practice. I wanted to do this as smoothly as possible. My first try (the partial sock on the right) was positively lumpy so I started over. The second try was less lumpy, but had some other troubles I decided I couldn't live with. I did save the top band. That's the only success so far. I used intarsia in the round. I finally got it through my head how that should work. It's a little lumpy at the moment, but I think it will smooth out in the wash.

It probably sounds like a lot of bother for a pair of socks that no one will ever see. It's fun in an odd way plus it is good practice for a project coming up next month.

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