Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Christmas Around the World Knitters Swap

I haven't heard yet whether or not I got into this swap. Just in case it might help get me in, I'm posting the answers to the questionnaire.

  1. Are you religious? No.
  2. How long have you been knitting? Almost half a century. Would you consider yourself a Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced? Advanced.
  3. Do you have any other hobbies besides knitting? I dabble in assorted fiber arts. I'm just beginning to learn to spin. My current non-knitting obsession is the computer game Animal Crossing: Wild World.
  4. Favorite color(s)? I like mostly soft, pastel, and cool colors.
  5. Do you collect anything? Not in any formal way.
  6. Are you allergic to any fibers or animals? Not so far.
  7. Do you have any pets? Two cats.
  8. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate.
  9. Cookies or Sweets? I have to choose???
  10. Do you knit socks? Almost constantly.
  11. If not socks then what? (tell us about your favorite knits). Socks.
  12. Do you put up a Christmas tree? If not then what do you do? Sometimes I put one up. It depends on how lazy I'm feeling.
  13. Favorite holiday treats? Chocolate. Cookies. Chocolate cookies.
  14. Favorite holiday smells? Pine trees.
  15. Do you celebrate Christmas in a traditional or unconventional way? Please elaborate. I'm not religious, so church is not involved. Traditions include trying to find a pizza place open on Christmas Eve and sneaking a weird mooing cow toy into a family member's stocking.
  16. What are your favorite holiday traditions? Being able to spend it with my family.
  17. Finish the sentence: “For me Christmas is all about....” giving stuff to others.
  18. If you were a Christmas ornament you would be…….? The handmade angel my mother made for me.
  19. What was your favorite gift you've ever received? Or given? I've drawn a complete blank on this one. No single thing stands out for either.
  20. When do you start your Christmas? I usually decorate right after Thanksgiving.
  21. Do you send Christmas cards? Do you make them or buy them? I don't usually, but if I do, I make them.
  22. What is your favorite Christmas dish? An obscenely rich potato/cheese/sour cream casserole.
  23. Carolers are at your door. What do you do? Listen to their song and give 'em each a cookie.
  24. When do you open presents? Christmas eve or Christmas morning? Christmas Eve.
  25. Do you celebrate with family or friends or both? Usually family.

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